UPDOs Stylist Workshop Video
Intended Audience: Beauty industry professionals.
Description: The video discusses a workshop for hair stylists to become opinion leaders in their community. Opinion leaders are trusted advisors that are knowledgeable and willing to share important information with their networks in order to positively impact healthy behaviors. The opinion leader workshop is currently offered face to face, however, an asynchronous interactive workshop will be available soonThis training offers Stylists the opportunity to dig a little deeper into their understanding of women's health with the specific focus on preventing HIV among Black women.
We offer evidence -based facts that Stylists can share with their customers and other networks to become opinion leaders. An opinion leader is someone who is well -known or respected in their community and is able to share information with others that helps the community as a whole.
Opinion leaders can also help reduce stigma around certain health topics, especially HIV. We offer a two-part workshop that will educate you on respectors for HIV, write down common myths related to HIV, and give you the tools to share this information with your networked clients as number sessions naturally come up.